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Registration and Regulation
of Cosmetic Products
European Union

Experts in the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009

Turn our in-depth knowledge of EU cosmetic regulations into your competitive advantage. With Belab Services, you can rest easy knowing that your products comply with all necessary laws and regulations.

Regulation of Cosmetic Products
in the
European Union

The EU has enacted numerous laws over the years to better protect consumers, animals and the environment. Every cosmetic product available on the European market, whether free or paid, must comply with an extensive list of legal requirements.

Alongside the United States, Europe is one of the largest cosmetics markets in the world, worth €80 billion in retail sales in 2023 and home to over 500 million potential consumers. However, ensuring that your cosmetic product complies with EU cosmetics regulation and other European or national regulatory frameworks can be a complicated and time-consuming process.




Trabajando en la computadora portátil

We manage the notification of cosmetics in the CPNP from the EU. This step is key to ensuring that each product complies with European regulations and can be marketed without problems.

Cámaras de seguridad

We carry out annual cosmetovigilance and serious adverse effect checks. This service ensures that products are safe and effective throughout their shelf life.

Laboratorio de ciencia

We carry out specialized reviews of nanomaterials and CMR substances. This verification ensures that products are free of hazardous materials and comply with strict standards.





We verify ingredients, labels and technical information of products. We ensure regulatory compliance to provide quality and confidence in every product that reaches the consumer.


We develop and maintain the Product Information File (PIF) . This document is essential to demonstrate that each product meets safety and quality criteria.


We ensure compliance with regulations and product safety for public health depending on the laws and regulations of each country.

Our Cosmetic Regulation Services


Product Responsible Person
Cosmetics in the EU

EC Regulation 1223/2009

European Regulation 1223/2009 establishes the basis for the regulation that cosmetic products must comply with in order to be marketed in Europe.

Among the obligations that companies that sell cosmetic products must comply with is having a qualified Responsible Person established within the Union to ensure compliance with regulations and the safety of the product for public health.

At Belab Services we offer our clients all these services so that your company can sell its cosmetic products in more than 30 countries in the common European space with all the guarantees and in compliance with the regulations.

Cosmetic Regulation   International

At Belab Services we are specialists in international regulations for cosmetic products and we offer complete and customized solutions to do so safely and effectively.

Belab Services

Hire experts in Cosmetics Safety Assessment for the EU

With over 10 years of experience in cosmetic safety assessments and EU regulation, BELAB SERVCES offers a comprehensive and reliable solution to effectively verify and register cosmetic products.

Our solution, based on a deep knowledge of legislation, has a team of scientific consultants and advanced IT tools, making it the fastest and most reliable way to access the European market.

Contact Belab Services

Frequently Asked Questions on Cosmetic Regulation in the European Union

  • EU Responsible Person and UK Responsible Person
    Another important aspect of regulation is that of the responsible person. In Europe, the responsible person is someone who has legal responsibility for ensuring that a product meets legal requirements. The same goes for the UK responsible person in the UK. Experts in cosmetics and healthcare product regulation can help companies understand the roles and responsibilities involved in this process.
  • CPNP and SCPN and PIF registration
    CPNP Registration (Cosmetic Product Notification Portal) is a legal requirement for cosmetic products in Europe. SCPN is the UK equivalent. In order to register on these portals, detailed information about the product is required, including ingredients and formulations. Experts in cosmetics and healthcare product regulation can help companies complete these registrations and ensure they are complying with legal requirements.
  • Technical dossier for product authorization in Europe
    A technical dossier is a document that describes the technical and safety aspects of a product. ​ It is a legal requirement for most cosmetic and health products in Europe. Experts in cosmetics and medical device regulation can help companies complete a technical dossier for product authorization in Europe.
  • Who is responsible for the regulation of cosmetic products in Europe?
    In Europe, the regulation of cosmetic products is the responsibility of the European Commission, which establishes regulations and requirements to guarantee the safety and quality of the products that are marketed
  • What are the requirements that a cosmetic product must meet in order to be marketed in Europe?
    A cosmetic product must comply with a series of requirements established in European Regulation 1223/2009. These requirements include aspects related to safety, labeling, permitted ingredients, animal testing and prior notification before marketing.
  • What products are not considered cosmetics according to European Regulation 1223/2009?
    According to European Regulation 1223/2009, products that have a medical purpose, such as medicines, medical devices or health products, are not considered cosmetics. These products are regulated by other specific regulations.
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