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ECHA: New Hazardous Substance Added to Candidate List

Writer: Daniel JiménezDaniel Jiménez

On 7 November 2024, the Member State Committee (MSC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) officially added triphenyl phosphate to the List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). This update brings the total number of entries on the list to 242, considering that some of these entries cover groups of chemicals.

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ECHA Adds New Hazardous Substance to Candidate List
ECHA Adds New Hazardous Substance to Candidate List

Properties and Uses of Triphenyl Phosphate

Triphenyl phosphate is widely known for its endocrine disrupting properties. It is used in a variety of industrial applications, including as a flame retardant and plasticizer in polymer formulations, adhesives and sealants. Its inclusion on this list implies that it could be more tightly regulated in the future, affecting its availability and use.

Obligations Arising from Inclusion on the List of Candidates

Companies that market products containing this substance must comply with strict obligations:

  • Provision of information: Suppliers must include a safety data sheet (SDS ) and provide detailed instructions on the safe use of the products.

  • Notifications to ECHA : Manufacturers and importers are required to inform the agency if their products contain more than 0.1% of this substance, within six months of their inclusion on the list.

Requirements related to the Waste Directive

Under the Waste Framework Directive, companies must submit notifications to the ECHA's SCIP (Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects (Products)) database. In addition, products containing this substance will not be eligible for the EU Ecolabel.

Future Implications: Regulation and Transparency

The increasing regulation around substances such as triphenyl phosphate not only poses challenges, but also opens doors for innovation. Companies are driven to develop more sustainable products, promote research into chemical alternatives and adopt clean technologies. This regulatory framework also stimulates global competitiveness, as European industries that lead these changes will be better positioned in a market increasingly oriented towards sustainability and transparency.

Possibility of Inclusion in the Authorization List

The inclusion of triphenyl phosphate in the Candidate List is a preliminary step towards its possible incorporation into the Authorization List . If this happens, companies will have to request specific permits to continue using this substance in their production processes.

The inclusion of substances such as triphenyl phosphate reflects the EU's proactive approach to managing hazardous chemicals , marking a significant step towards sustainability and safety in the chemical sector.


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